An unusual English blend from Samuel Gawith in the Lake District, originally blended for a local smoker. A base of Brown and Bright Virginias mixed with Latakia is steamed to remove any risk of tongue bite, then given a light Vanilla casing, and finally blended with Turkish Izmir.
From the tin, the blend has the unmistakable aroma of Oriental tobaccos, with a slight Vanilla twinge in the background. When smoked, the spicy and creamy Izmir makes up the core of the taste, while the Virginia and Latakia take a back seat. The Vanilla is very subtle and just adds a little extra sweetness to the smoke. The Virginias remain cool and smooth while still keeping the grassy character.
Blend - Virginia, Turkish & Latakia
Casings - Vanilla
Cut - Ribbon
Strength - Mild/Medium
Added Flavours - Mild
Taste - Medium
Origin - Kendal, England
50g tin