Pre Pack Pipe Tobacco

Pipe tobacco pre packed (tins & pouches)

At Tobacconist Online, we offer a wide selection of pre-packaged pipe tobacco, providing our customers with an extensive range of options to suit their smoking needs. Our pre-packaged pipe tobacco is sourced from some of the most reputable tobacco growers worldwide, ensuring that we provide our customers with only the highest quality products.

We offer various blends of pre-packaged pipe tobacco, including Virginia, Burley, Cavendish, and many more, giving you a wide range of flavors and strengths to choose from. Our tobacco blends come in various package sizes, ranging from small 25g packages to larger 500g bulk options, allowing you to purchase the amount that best fits your smoking needs.

When you buy pre-packaged pipe tobacco from Tobacconist Online, you can be confident that you are receiving a high-quality product at a reasonable price. Our website is designed to provide our customers with an easy and convenient way to purchase pipe tobacco online. Our products are listed with detailed descriptions and images, giving you an accurate idea of what to expect when you buy from us. Our website is also secure, ensuring that your personal and payment information is safe.

One of the benefits of buying pre-packaged pipe tobacco is the convenience it offers. Our pre-packaged pipe tobacco is ready to use right out of the package, saving you time and effort. Additionally, pre-packaged pipe tobacco is an excellent option for those who are new to smoking or prefer a consistent smoking experience.

At Tobacconist Online, we pride ourselves on our customer service, and we are always happy to assist our customers with any questions or concerns they may have. Whether you are new to pipe smoking or an experienced smoker, we can help you find the perfect pre-packaged pipe tobacco to suit your needs.

In conclusion, buying pre-packaged pipe tobacco from Tobacconist Online is a convenient and hassle-free way to enjoy the world of pipe smoking. With our extensive range of blends and package sizes, you can customize your smoking experience and find the perfect tobacco to suit your preferences. Our website is easy to use, secure, and offers excellent customer service, ensuring that you have a seamless purchasing experience. So why wait? Buy pre-packaged pipe tobacco from Tobacconist Online today and experience the joy of pipe smoking.

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Mac Baren Red Ambrosia Pipe Tobacco 40g

Manufactured from matured Virginia tobaccos and golden brown, cask mellowed Burley tobaccos to which a specially roasted Cavendish has been added. With its well balanced flavour, gives a light and pleasant smoke. Blend - Virginia, Burley and Cavendish Flavouring - Cherry Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Mild Added Flavours - Mild to Medium 40g pouch

  • £24.10
Original Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g

A cool and flavoursome flake made from various grades of Flue cured Virginia's, spicy Burley and a touch of fire cured Burley. The tobacco is cold pressed for a slow burning experience with reasonable amount of body. Easy to rub out and pack into the bowl, and the smoker is rewarded with a rich and nutty smoke. A great of example of a classic English medium flake. Formerly known as Odgen's Walnut. Blend -?Virginia, Burley & Kentucky Casings - None Cut - Flake Strength - Medium to Strong Taste - Medium to Full 50g packet

  • £24.95
Amphora Original Pipe Tobacco 40g pouch

Centuries of tobacco craftsmanship go into Amphora Original Pipe Tobacco blend to bring out the rich chocolaty undertones of the finest Burley tobaccos, balanced with Orientals, Kentucky, and Virginia leaf. The result is a well rounder, smooth textured and easy burning blend of rare distinction. Made by Mac Baren since 2006 Blend - Burley, Oriental, Kentucky and Virginia Casings - Chocolate Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild 40g pouch

  • £24.10
Peterson Balkan Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g

A traditional mixture comprising the finest of Virginia tobaccos plus a hint of Louisiana Perique and a generous portion of Cyprus Latakia. A smooth and gentle blend, a delight for the seasoned pipe smoker. Blend -?Virginia, Perique and Latakia Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium Taste - Medium to Full 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Connoisseur's Choice Pipe Tobacco 50g

A satisfying, spicy and aromatic blend of Black Cavendish, Golden and Red Virginia, mixed with luxury broken flake. The aromatic recipe of Tropical fruit, Vanilla & Rum make this blend smooth and very pleasant. Blend - Virginia and Black Cavendish Casings - Tropical Fruit, Vanilla and Rum Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Irish Cask Pipe Tobacco 50g

Originally known as Irish Oak. A rich blend of Cavendish, Zimbabwean Orange, Thailand Burley and Black Perique, matured in Oak Sherry barrels. Blend - Virginia, Cavendish, Burley and Perique Casings - Aged in Sherry Barrels Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium to Strong Taste - Medium to Full Added Flavours - Mild 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Irish Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g

A full bodied blend made of equal proportions air-cured, flue cured, and dark fired. True to the pure, unspoiled tobacco taste. Highly recommended for the experienced pipe smoker. Blend - Virginia, Burley and Kentucky Casings - None Cut - Flake Strength - Strong Taste - Full 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Irish Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g

A traditional Irish blend. Burley leafs from Africa, Brazil and India, and dark fired Kentucky from Italy, lightly flavoured with Irish Whiskey for a unique aroma. Blend -?Burley & Kentucky Casings - Whisky Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Old Dublin Pipe Tobacco 50g

A smoking mixture based on the cool, smoky aroma of Cyprian Latakia. Added to the mixture are Golden Virginia with aromatic Black Cavendish and sweet Greek Oriental Basma tobacco. Blend -?Virginia, Oriental and Latakia Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Sherlock Holmes Pipe Tobacco 50g

A blend of Orange and Red smoking leaf, Brazilian Burley and Virginia Mysore Indian tobacco. A signature Peterson tobacco made with an old Irish recipe dating back to 1889. It is one of the finest tobaccos smoked in the time of Sherlock Holmes. Blend - Virginia and Burley Casings - Citrus fruit Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Sunset Breeze Pipe Tobacco 50g

A blend of first choice Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish. A promise for a unique smoking experiences which is crowned by a wonderful Amaretto aroma. Blend - Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish Casings - Amaretto Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Killarney Pipe Tobacco 50g

A unique mixture of selected tobaccos including golden Virginia and Black Cavendish, topped with a cream caramel flavour. To make this wonderful tobacco even more attractive, it is blended with hand-rubbed Virginia flake which results in a fantastic aroma. Blend -?Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish Casings - Caramel Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson University Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g

The blend is based on a mix of mahogany, brown and orange Virginia grades and sun cured Burley leaf from India. It is then slowly pressed for days into cakes of tobacco and then sliced into delicate flakes. Blend -?Virginia and Burley Top dressing - Plum Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Royal Yacht Pipe Tobacco 50g

What is essentially a Virginia mixture is given a slight plum topping, adding a little to the smoking experience. From the tin this tobacco has a wonderfully complex Virginia aroma with a slight raisin note to it. This dark tobacco packs easily thanks to the ribbon cut and lights very easily. For a blend of this nature it certainly produces plenty of smoke and is best smoked slowly. Tin Note ? ?Truly a luxurious tobacco. Virginias are carefully conditioned to insure sweetness. They are added to rich, heavier and cooler Virginias. A unique flavour is added to the final blend to enhance the subtle and piquant aroma.? Blend -?Virginia Casings - Plum Cut - Ribbon Strength - Strong Taste - Medium to Full Added Flavours - Mild 50g tin

  • £21.76
Peterson De Luxe Navy Rolls Pipe Tobacco 50g

A classic blend made using hand-stripped Virginia tobaccos from Brazil and Africa, married with Perique from Louisiana. This recipe produces an aromatic smoke with natural tobacco flavours and lovely sweet notes. Blend -?Virginia & Perique Casings - None Cut - Spun Cut Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Early Morning Pipe Tobacco 50g

Comprised of Virginias from Africa & South America, Orientals from Turkey & Greece and then finished off with a pinch of Cypriot Latakia. Some of the Virginias are steamed to remove a little of the nicotine and add a smooth texture to the smoke. This mellow and very delicate English blend is great first thing in the morning, sure to gently awaken the senses. The subtle nature of this tobacco also makes it ideal for those who want to try and get into English/Oriental blends. Tin Description - "Sweet Oriental carefully blended with Bright and Red Virginias, pressed and lightly stoved. Great as the ?first pipe?, arousing the palate for the further pleasures of the day." Blend - Virginia, Oriental & Latakia Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Elizabethan Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g

A medium bodied blend made using heat cured Virginias, for a woody flavour, to which the Perique adds a light spice. Not a strong tobacco that can easily be an all day smoker and works wonders with a coffee/tea in the morning. Tin Description: "A distinctive flavourful blend pressed, darkened tobaccos with Perique added for character." Blend - Virginia & Perique Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g

Made of flue cured Virginia, bright and crisp to smoke. This luscious flake is packed full of hay and grassy flavours, with a wonderful slight honeyed wood. When packed fairly loose and smoked slowly, this tobacco is a delight to smoke and remains enjoyable to the very end. Tin Description: "A balanced blend of Virginia and Turkish Tobaccos, fine rich flavour." Blend -?Virginia Casings - None Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson My Mixture 965 Pipe Tobacco 50g

Outstanding tobacco made up from Brown Cavendish (Virginia), Macedonian Bright and a good measure of Cypriot (small leaf) Latakia. The result is smooth and creamy smoke with some wonderful nutty notes and a stunning Latakia smoky character. A classic English/Balkan mixture, widely known as the quintessential English Tobacco. If Early Morning Pipe is a blend for Breakfast and Nightcap is for Supper, then 965 has to be for Lunch (and Dinner). Blend -?Cavendish, Latakia & Oriental (Macedonia) Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium to Strong Taste - Medium to Full 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Nightcap Pipe Tobacco 50g

A powerful blend of dark Virginia, Turkish, Latakia and Perique, a full-on English blend. This mix produces plumes of thick and creamy smoke, with an earthy core, overlaid with smoky and spicy flavours. One of the finest full bodied blends on the market. Tin Description: "A rich blend for late in the day. It is a slow, lasting smoke. Just prior to packing, expensive Perique tobacco is added to enhance to bouquet." Blend -?Virginia, Turkish, Latakia & Perique Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Strong Taste - Full 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Standard Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g

A classic blend dating back to the early Dunhill days. The finest Turkish (Oriental) tobacco are blended with flue cured Virginias and Cypriot Latakia, resulting in a great Oriental with a balanced and complex flavour. Burns smooth and cool. Tin Description: "A balanced blend of Virginia and Turkish Tobaccos, fine rich flavour." Blend -?Virginia Turkish, Latakia Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Special Cut Pipe Tobacco 50g

A mixture of golden, red and dark Virginia tobaccos blended with Burley and Black Cavendish. Enhanced with flavourings of Macadamia nuts, coconut and rum. Originally known as Nutty Cut. Blend - Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish Casings - Macadamia Nut, Coconut and Rum Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Luxury Blend Pipe Tobacco 50g

A smooth and exquisite blend of golden and orange Virginias, sweetish Black Cavendish, fragrant Burley and a fabulous aroma of honey and the all time favourite vanilla flavour. Blend - Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish Casings - Honey & Vanilla Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson De Luxe Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g

A selection of matured Virginia tobaccos from Brazil and Africa blended with a loose cut mellow black cavendish. A tasteful flavour consisting of vanilla, walnut and honey has been added. Blend - Virginia & Black Cavendish Casings - Vanilla, Walnut & Honey Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Rattray's 7 Reserve Pipe Tobacco 50g

This renowned mixture is specially designed for those who smoke continuously throughout the day. Hourly devotion does not impair its fragrance or render the palate innocuous to its charm. The constituents are the same as Red Rapparee but the proportions have been adjusted to meet the requirements of the constant, and not the intermittent, smoker. Blend - Virginia, Cavendish, Latakia, Oriental/Turkish Casing - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium 50g tin

  • £24.30
Rattray's Black Mallory Pipe Tobacco 50g

The basic tobaccos are broadly akin to those of Red Rapparee. Careful apportioning of the quantities of seasoning leaf brings about a dark full-bodied mixture - but one in which flavour, far from being absent, makes that subtle contribution to the whole. It pleases the eye and surprises and delights the palate. Blend - Virginia, Cavendish, Latakia, Oriental/Turkish Casing - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £24.30
Rattray's Old Gowrie Pipe Tobacco 50g

A classic blend produced as a broken flake, comprised of Virginias with a hint of Perique and Kentucky. Skilfully balanced to produce a natural smoke. Packed with grassy Virginias flavours, with the Perique providing a subtle fig note, while?the Kentucky keeps the blend cool and adds a little spine to be mix. Blend - Virginia, Kentucky & Perique Casing - None Cut - Broken Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £24.30
Mac Baren Red Ambrosia Pipe Tobacco 40g

Manufactured from matured Virginia tobaccos and golden brown, cask mellowed Burley tobaccos to which a specially roasted Cavendish has been added. With its well balanced flavour, gives a light and pleasant smoke. Blend - Virginia, Burley and Cavendish Flavouring - Cherry Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Mild Added Flavours - Mild to Medium 40g pouch

  • £24.10
Original Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g

A cool and flavoursome flake made from various grades of Flue cured Virginia's, spicy Burley and a touch of fire cured Burley. The tobacco is cold pressed for a slow burning experience with reasonable amount of body. Easy to rub out and pack into the bowl, and the smoker is rewarded with a rich and nutty smoke. A great of example of a classic English medium flake. Formerly known as Odgen's Walnut. Blend -?Virginia, Burley & Kentucky Casings - None Cut - Flake Strength - Medium to Strong Taste - Medium to Full 50g packet

  • £24.95
Amphora Original Pipe Tobacco 40g pouch

Centuries of tobacco craftsmanship go into Amphora Original Pipe Tobacco blend to bring out the rich chocolaty undertones of the finest Burley tobaccos, balanced with Orientals, Kentucky, and Virginia leaf. The result is a well rounder, smooth textured and easy burning blend of rare distinction. Made by Mac Baren since 2006 Blend - Burley, Oriental, Kentucky and Virginia Casings - Chocolate Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild 40g pouch

  • £24.10
Peterson Balkan Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g

A traditional mixture comprising the finest of Virginia tobaccos plus a hint of Louisiana Perique and a generous portion of Cyprus Latakia. A smooth and gentle blend, a delight for the seasoned pipe smoker. Blend -?Virginia, Perique and Latakia Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium Taste - Medium to Full 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Connoisseur's Choice Pipe Tobacco 50g

A satisfying, spicy and aromatic blend of Black Cavendish, Golden and Red Virginia, mixed with luxury broken flake. The aromatic recipe of Tropical fruit, Vanilla & Rum make this blend smooth and very pleasant. Blend - Virginia and Black Cavendish Casings - Tropical Fruit, Vanilla and Rum Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Irish Cask Pipe Tobacco 50g

Originally known as Irish Oak. A rich blend of Cavendish, Zimbabwean Orange, Thailand Burley and Black Perique, matured in Oak Sherry barrels. Blend - Virginia, Cavendish, Burley and Perique Casings - Aged in Sherry Barrels Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium to Strong Taste - Medium to Full Added Flavours - Mild 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Irish Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g

A full bodied blend made of equal proportions air-cured, flue cured, and dark fired. True to the pure, unspoiled tobacco taste. Highly recommended for the experienced pipe smoker. Blend - Virginia, Burley and Kentucky Casings - None Cut - Flake Strength - Strong Taste - Full 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Irish Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g

A traditional Irish blend. Burley leafs from Africa, Brazil and India, and dark fired Kentucky from Italy, lightly flavoured with Irish Whiskey for a unique aroma. Blend -?Burley & Kentucky Casings - Whisky Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Old Dublin Pipe Tobacco 50g

A smoking mixture based on the cool, smoky aroma of Cyprian Latakia. Added to the mixture are Golden Virginia with aromatic Black Cavendish and sweet Greek Oriental Basma tobacco. Blend -?Virginia, Oriental and Latakia Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Sherlock Holmes Pipe Tobacco 50g

A blend of Orange and Red smoking leaf, Brazilian Burley and Virginia Mysore Indian tobacco. A signature Peterson tobacco made with an old Irish recipe dating back to 1889. It is one of the finest tobaccos smoked in the time of Sherlock Holmes. Blend - Virginia and Burley Casings - Citrus fruit Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Sunset Breeze Pipe Tobacco 50g

A blend of first choice Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish. A promise for a unique smoking experiences which is crowned by a wonderful Amaretto aroma. Blend - Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish Casings - Amaretto Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Killarney Pipe Tobacco 50g

A unique mixture of selected tobaccos including golden Virginia and Black Cavendish, topped with a cream caramel flavour. To make this wonderful tobacco even more attractive, it is blended with hand-rubbed Virginia flake which results in a fantastic aroma. Blend -?Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish Casings - Caramel Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson University Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g

The blend is based on a mix of mahogany, brown and orange Virginia grades and sun cured Burley leaf from India. It is then slowly pressed for days into cakes of tobacco and then sliced into delicate flakes. Blend -?Virginia and Burley Top dressing - Plum Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Royal Yacht Pipe Tobacco 50g

What is essentially a Virginia mixture is given a slight plum topping, adding a little to the smoking experience. From the tin this tobacco has a wonderfully complex Virginia aroma with a slight raisin note to it. This dark tobacco packs easily thanks to the ribbon cut and lights very easily. For a blend of this nature it certainly produces plenty of smoke and is best smoked slowly. Tin Note ? ?Truly a luxurious tobacco. Virginias are carefully conditioned to insure sweetness. They are added to rich, heavier and cooler Virginias. A unique flavour is added to the final blend to enhance the subtle and piquant aroma.? Blend -?Virginia Casings - Plum Cut - Ribbon Strength - Strong Taste - Medium to Full Added Flavours - Mild 50g tin

  • £21.76
Peterson De Luxe Navy Rolls Pipe Tobacco 50g

A classic blend made using hand-stripped Virginia tobaccos from Brazil and Africa, married with Perique from Louisiana. This recipe produces an aromatic smoke with natural tobacco flavours and lovely sweet notes. Blend -?Virginia & Perique Casings - None Cut - Spun Cut Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Early Morning Pipe Tobacco 50g

Comprised of Virginias from Africa & South America, Orientals from Turkey & Greece and then finished off with a pinch of Cypriot Latakia. Some of the Virginias are steamed to remove a little of the nicotine and add a smooth texture to the smoke. This mellow and very delicate English blend is great first thing in the morning, sure to gently awaken the senses. The subtle nature of this tobacco also makes it ideal for those who want to try and get into English/Oriental blends. Tin Description - "Sweet Oriental carefully blended with Bright and Red Virginias, pressed and lightly stoved. Great as the ?first pipe?, arousing the palate for the further pleasures of the day." Blend - Virginia, Oriental & Latakia Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Elizabethan Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g

A medium bodied blend made using heat cured Virginias, for a woody flavour, to which the Perique adds a light spice. Not a strong tobacco that can easily be an all day smoker and works wonders with a coffee/tea in the morning. Tin Description: "A distinctive flavourful blend pressed, darkened tobaccos with Perique added for character." Blend - Virginia & Perique Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g

Made of flue cured Virginia, bright and crisp to smoke. This luscious flake is packed full of hay and grassy flavours, with a wonderful slight honeyed wood. When packed fairly loose and smoked slowly, this tobacco is a delight to smoke and remains enjoyable to the very end. Tin Description: "A balanced blend of Virginia and Turkish Tobaccos, fine rich flavour." Blend -?Virginia Casings - None Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson My Mixture 965 Pipe Tobacco 50g

Outstanding tobacco made up from Brown Cavendish (Virginia), Macedonian Bright and a good measure of Cypriot (small leaf) Latakia. The result is smooth and creamy smoke with some wonderful nutty notes and a stunning Latakia smoky character. A classic English/Balkan mixture, widely known as the quintessential English Tobacco. If Early Morning Pipe is a blend for Breakfast and Nightcap is for Supper, then 965 has to be for Lunch (and Dinner). Blend -?Cavendish, Latakia & Oriental (Macedonia) Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium to Strong Taste - Medium to Full 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Nightcap Pipe Tobacco 50g

A powerful blend of dark Virginia, Turkish, Latakia and Perique, a full-on English blend. This mix produces plumes of thick and creamy smoke, with an earthy core, overlaid with smoky and spicy flavours. One of the finest full bodied blends on the market. Tin Description: "A rich blend for late in the day. It is a slow, lasting smoke. Just prior to packing, expensive Perique tobacco is added to enhance to bouquet." Blend -?Virginia, Turkish, Latakia & Perique Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Strong Taste - Full 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Standard Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g

A classic blend dating back to the early Dunhill days. The finest Turkish (Oriental) tobacco are blended with flue cured Virginias and Cypriot Latakia, resulting in a great Oriental with a balanced and complex flavour. Burns smooth and cool. Tin Description: "A balanced blend of Virginia and Turkish Tobaccos, fine rich flavour." Blend -?Virginia Turkish, Latakia Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Special Cut Pipe Tobacco 50g

A mixture of golden, red and dark Virginia tobaccos blended with Burley and Black Cavendish. Enhanced with flavourings of Macadamia nuts, coconut and rum. Originally known as Nutty Cut. Blend - Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish Casings - Macadamia Nut, Coconut and Rum Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson Luxury Blend Pipe Tobacco 50g

A smooth and exquisite blend of golden and orange Virginias, sweetish Black Cavendish, fragrant Burley and a fabulous aroma of honey and the all time favourite vanilla flavour. Blend - Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish Casings - Honey & Vanilla Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild 50g tin

  • £22.00
Peterson De Luxe Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g

A selection of matured Virginia tobaccos from Brazil and Africa blended with a loose cut mellow black cavendish. A tasteful flavour consisting of vanilla, walnut and honey has been added. Blend - Virginia & Black Cavendish Casings - Vanilla, Walnut & Honey Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium 50g tin

  • £22.00
Rattray's 7 Reserve Pipe Tobacco 50g

This renowned mixture is specially designed for those who smoke continuously throughout the day. Hourly devotion does not impair its fragrance or render the palate innocuous to its charm. The constituents are the same as Red Rapparee but the proportions have been adjusted to meet the requirements of the constant, and not the intermittent, smoker. Blend - Virginia, Cavendish, Latakia, Oriental/Turkish Casing - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium 50g tin

  • £24.30
Rattray's Black Mallory Pipe Tobacco 50g

The basic tobaccos are broadly akin to those of Red Rapparee. Careful apportioning of the quantities of seasoning leaf brings about a dark full-bodied mixture - but one in which flavour, far from being absent, makes that subtle contribution to the whole. It pleases the eye and surprises and delights the palate. Blend - Virginia, Cavendish, Latakia, Oriental/Turkish Casing - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £24.30
Rattray's Old Gowrie Pipe Tobacco 50g

A classic blend produced as a broken flake, comprised of Virginias with a hint of Perique and Kentucky. Skilfully balanced to produce a natural smoke. Packed with grassy Virginias flavours, with the Perique providing a subtle fig note, while?the Kentucky keeps the blend cool and adds a little spine to be mix. Blend - Virginia, Kentucky & Perique Casing - None Cut - Broken Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £24.30