One of Cuba’s relatively newer cigars is also one that is smoking beautifully right now. The Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure Especial was introduced to the main Cuban cigar portfolio at the Habanos Festival in 2008. The idea was to give the aficionado more, building on the success of the iconic Hoyo Epicure No. 2, a robusto measuring 4 7/8 inches long by 50 ring gauge. The Epicure Especial, offering another 5/8 of an inch of smoking pleasure, was previously teased an Edicion Limitada in 2004. The cigar is very, very rich, with varied notes that include coffee, earth and cocoa powder, and a touch of Graham cracker. It is complex but not too strong, making it a very approachable Cuban.
Length in millimetres - 141
Ring Gauge - 50
Strength – Light
Origin – Cuba