Pre Pack Pipe Tobacco

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Robert Lewis Wingfield Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

Robert Lewis Wingfield Mixture Pipe Tobacco. Fine matured Virginias carefully blended with a smidgeon of Black Cavendish and Latakia. A very cool smoke with outstanding taste. The blend was named after Walter Wingfield, the inventor of the original version of lawn tennis and a long time customer of the Robert Lewis shop. Blend - Virginia, Black Cavendish, Latakia Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £23.80
BBB Danish Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

BBB Danish Mixture Pipe Tobacco is a full bodied Black Cavendish tobacco harmoniously rounded off with bright Virginias. This special top flavour of honey and vanilla gives a pleasant room atmosphere. Blend - Black Cavendish, Virginia & Burley Casings - Honey, Vanilla Cut - Ribbon Strength - Very Mild Taste - Mild Added Flavours - Mild to Medium 50g tin

  • £19.00
Germain's Rich Dark Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Limited availability – ONE TIN PER CUSTOMER ONLY. Germain's Rich Dark Flake Pipe Tobacco. Air cured and Virginia type leaf tobacco pressed and matured to produce dark brown flakes with a black crust. Rich full flavoured and smooth - a traditional English flake favoured by experienced pipe smokers. Blend -Virginia, Burley Casings - Molasses Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Origin: Jersey 50g tin

  • £25.95
Rattray's Brown Clunee Pipe Tobacco 50g

Dark in colour, but mild, mellow and gentle to the palate. Flue cured Virginias, blended with Dark Fired Kentucky and perfectly aged Perique specifically chosen because they enhance all the right notes of this Virginia crop. No added flavour. Blend - Virginia, Kentucky & Perique Casing - None Cut - Broken Flake Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium 50g tin

  • £24.30
Germain's Special Latakia Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Limited availability - ONE TIN PER CUSTOMER ONLY. Germain's Special Latakia Flake Pipe Tobacco. A bold Latakia blend. Coarse flakes made from top quality air and fire cured dark tobaccos. A delicious choice for a change of pace. Blend - Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia Casings - None Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium to Full Origin: Jersey 50g tin

  • £25.95
Germain's Gold Leaf Ready Rubbed Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Limited availability - ONE TIN PER CUSTOMER ONLY. Germain's Gold Leaf Ready Rubbed Pipe Tobacco. A premier league, super high quality tobacco made using only the finest Gold leaf Virginia leaves. Totally unique with the slight orange note you only get from the purest Virginia. Blend - Virginia Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Origin: Jersey 50g tin

  • £25.95
Solani Festival (Blend 333) Pipe Tobacco 50g

Virginias, Black Cavendish, Burley and a touch of plum come together to form this delightful tobacco blended in Germany by R.L. Will. Blend ? Virginia, Black Cavendish & Burley Casings ? Plum Cut ? Coarse Cut Strength ? Mild to Medium Taste ? Mild to Medium Added Flavours ? Medium 50g tin

  • £19.97
Germain's Royal Jersey Perique Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Limited availability - ONE TIN PER CUSTOMER ONLY. Germain's Royal Jersey Perique Mixture Pipe Tobacco, is a subtle quantity of genuine Louisiana Perique combined with golden Cavendish that is the signature of the Royal Jersey range of tobaccos. This fairly recent addition to the range offers the smoker the fully-rounded taste of matured tobaccos. Blend - Cavendish, Virginia, Perique Casings - None Cut - Shag Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Origin: Jersey 50g tin

  • £25.95
Germain's Royal Jersey Cavendish & Virginia Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Limited availability - ONE TIN PER CUSTOMER ONLY. Germain's Royal Jersey Pipe Tobacco is a Special mature golden Cavendish blended with Maryland and Virginia type tobaccos. This tobacco contains the same ingredients as the Royal Jersey Original Latakia Mixture, the recipe being faithfully followed, but without the Latakia, revealing a tobacco with a quite different character. Blend - Cavendish, Maryland, Virginia Casings - None Cut - Shag Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Origin: Jersey 50g tin

  • £25.95
Rattray's Red Rapparee Pipe Tobacco 50g

A charming, perfectly balanced dark spicy mixture of Virginia tobaccos, Orientals, Black Cavendish and a luxurious quantity of Latakia. Choice red Virginias and give it a beautiful red tinge. The ash is pale grey and similar to that of a good cigar. A wonderful, spicy mixture. Blend - Virginia, Orientals, Cavendish & Latakia Casing - None Cut - Mixture Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g Tin

  • £24.30
Germain's Uncle Tom's Smoking Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Limited availability - ONE TIN PER CUSTOMER ONLY. Germain's Uncle Tom's Smoking Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin is a unique blend of Virginia and Burley tobaccos, enriched with a subtle flavor of vanilla and a touch of Perique for a satisfying smoking experience. This mild to medium strength tobacco blend is carefully crafted to deliver a smooth and flavorful smoke, with a delightful aroma that will surely please any pipe smoker. The 50g tin is an ideal size for both casual and regular smokers, providing a convenient and easy-to-use option for enjoying this exceptional tobacco blend. Blend - Virginia, Burley, Black Cavendish Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Origin: Jersey 50g tin

  • £25.95
Rattray's Marlin Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g

Combines dark Virginias, black Cavendish as well as a pinch of Perique. A companion to Old Gowrie. A shade darker, that edge of greater strength, a difference in aroma but otherwise a tobacco in the same fine tradition. Blend - Virgina, Cavendish & Perique Casing - None Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £24.30
Germain's Medium Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Limited availability - ONE TIN PER CUSTOMER ONLY. Germain's Medium Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin is a high-quality tobacco product known for its medium strength and rich flavor. The tobacco is carefully selected and aged before being pressed into flake form, allowing for a slow burn and a smooth smoke. Red, brown and gold Virginia tobaccos skilfully blended and pressed to give a medium colour and a medium rate of burn, with fruit extracts. Rubs out with ease. Blend -Virginia Casings - Fruit/citrus Cut - Flake Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Origin: Jersey 50g tin

  • £25.95
Robert Lewis Wingfield Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

Robert Lewis Wingfield Mixture Pipe Tobacco. Fine matured Virginias carefully blended with a smidgeon of Black Cavendish and Latakia. A very cool smoke with outstanding taste. The blend was named after Walter Wingfield, the inventor of the original version of lawn tennis and a long time customer of the Robert Lewis shop. Blend - Virginia, Black Cavendish, Latakia Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £23.80
BBB Danish Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

BBB Danish Mixture Pipe Tobacco is a full bodied Black Cavendish tobacco harmoniously rounded off with bright Virginias. This special top flavour of honey and vanilla gives a pleasant room atmosphere. Blend - Black Cavendish, Virginia & Burley Casings - Honey, Vanilla Cut - Ribbon Strength - Very Mild Taste - Mild Added Flavours - Mild to Medium 50g tin

  • £19.00
Germain's Rich Dark Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Limited availability – ONE TIN PER CUSTOMER ONLY. Germain's Rich Dark Flake Pipe Tobacco. Air cured and Virginia type leaf tobacco pressed and matured to produce dark brown flakes with a black crust. Rich full flavoured and smooth - a traditional English flake favoured by experienced pipe smokers. Blend -Virginia, Burley Casings - Molasses Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Origin: Jersey 50g tin

  • £25.95
Rattray's Brown Clunee Pipe Tobacco 50g

Dark in colour, but mild, mellow and gentle to the palate. Flue cured Virginias, blended with Dark Fired Kentucky and perfectly aged Perique specifically chosen because they enhance all the right notes of this Virginia crop. No added flavour. Blend - Virginia, Kentucky & Perique Casing - None Cut - Broken Flake Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium 50g tin

  • £24.30
Germain's Special Latakia Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Limited availability - ONE TIN PER CUSTOMER ONLY. Germain's Special Latakia Flake Pipe Tobacco. A bold Latakia blend. Coarse flakes made from top quality air and fire cured dark tobaccos. A delicious choice for a change of pace. Blend - Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia Casings - None Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium to Full Origin: Jersey 50g tin

  • £25.95
Germain's Gold Leaf Ready Rubbed Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Limited availability - ONE TIN PER CUSTOMER ONLY. Germain's Gold Leaf Ready Rubbed Pipe Tobacco. A premier league, super high quality tobacco made using only the finest Gold leaf Virginia leaves. Totally unique with the slight orange note you only get from the purest Virginia. Blend - Virginia Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Origin: Jersey 50g tin

  • £25.95
Solani Festival (Blend 333) Pipe Tobacco 50g

Virginias, Black Cavendish, Burley and a touch of plum come together to form this delightful tobacco blended in Germany by R.L. Will. Blend ? Virginia, Black Cavendish & Burley Casings ? Plum Cut ? Coarse Cut Strength ? Mild to Medium Taste ? Mild to Medium Added Flavours ? Medium 50g tin

  • £19.97
Germain's Royal Jersey Perique Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Limited availability - ONE TIN PER CUSTOMER ONLY. Germain's Royal Jersey Perique Mixture Pipe Tobacco, is a subtle quantity of genuine Louisiana Perique combined with golden Cavendish that is the signature of the Royal Jersey range of tobaccos. This fairly recent addition to the range offers the smoker the fully-rounded taste of matured tobaccos. Blend - Cavendish, Virginia, Perique Casings - None Cut - Shag Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Origin: Jersey 50g tin

  • £25.95
Germain's Royal Jersey Cavendish & Virginia Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Limited availability - ONE TIN PER CUSTOMER ONLY. Germain's Royal Jersey Pipe Tobacco is a Special mature golden Cavendish blended with Maryland and Virginia type tobaccos. This tobacco contains the same ingredients as the Royal Jersey Original Latakia Mixture, the recipe being faithfully followed, but without the Latakia, revealing a tobacco with a quite different character. Blend - Cavendish, Maryland, Virginia Casings - None Cut - Shag Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Origin: Jersey 50g tin

  • £25.95
Rattray's Red Rapparee Pipe Tobacco 50g

A charming, perfectly balanced dark spicy mixture of Virginia tobaccos, Orientals, Black Cavendish and a luxurious quantity of Latakia. Choice red Virginias and give it a beautiful red tinge. The ash is pale grey and similar to that of a good cigar. A wonderful, spicy mixture. Blend - Virginia, Orientals, Cavendish & Latakia Casing - None Cut - Mixture Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g Tin

  • £24.30
Germain's Uncle Tom's Smoking Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Limited availability - ONE TIN PER CUSTOMER ONLY. Germain's Uncle Tom's Smoking Mixture Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin is a unique blend of Virginia and Burley tobaccos, enriched with a subtle flavor of vanilla and a touch of Perique for a satisfying smoking experience. This mild to medium strength tobacco blend is carefully crafted to deliver a smooth and flavorful smoke, with a delightful aroma that will surely please any pipe smoker. The 50g tin is an ideal size for both casual and regular smokers, providing a convenient and easy-to-use option for enjoying this exceptional tobacco blend. Blend - Virginia, Burley, Black Cavendish Casings - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Origin: Jersey 50g tin

  • £25.95
Rattray's Marlin Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g

Combines dark Virginias, black Cavendish as well as a pinch of Perique. A companion to Old Gowrie. A shade darker, that edge of greater strength, a difference in aroma but otherwise a tobacco in the same fine tradition. Blend - Virgina, Cavendish & Perique Casing - None Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium 50g tin

  • £24.30
Germain's Medium Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Limited availability - ONE TIN PER CUSTOMER ONLY. Germain's Medium Flake Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin is a high-quality tobacco product known for its medium strength and rich flavor. The tobacco is carefully selected and aged before being pressed into flake form, allowing for a slow burn and a smooth smoke. Red, brown and gold Virginia tobaccos skilfully blended and pressed to give a medium colour and a medium rate of burn, with fruit extracts. Rubs out with ease. Blend -Virginia Casings - Fruit/citrus Cut - Flake Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Origin: Jersey 50g tin

  • £25.95