Pipe Tobacco

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Gawith Hoggarth Pensioners Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

This blend is made from 'a little bit of everything' , the bits and pieces of tobacco left over throughout the manufacturing process. Flavoured with an aromatic scent. The blend does vary from time to time. One to try, a great mild to medium smoke. Blend - Virginia, Burley, Cavendish Casing - Aromatic Other Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Flavouring - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below.

  • £10.50£21.00
Gawith Hoggarth American Blend CV (Cherry & Vanilla) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Red Burleys with Cavendished Virginias, cased and top dressed. . Exceptionally light, sweet, smooth vanilla flavour combined with a top-note of fresh, ripe cherries. An excellent pipe tobacco for both new and more experienced smokers. The pleasant room aroma will make the smoker popular wherever they choose to smoke their pipe. Blend – Cavendish & Burley Casings – Cherry, Vanilla Cut – Coarse Cut Strength – Mild to Medium Taste – Mild to Medium Added Flavours – Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth Caribean C. (Coconut) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Built on a classic American style base of double fermented Black Cavendish with Gold Leaf Virginia's and a touch of Burley. A sweet caramel source is added along with some very tangy Coconut, the caramel gives this blend a creamy and highly aromatic flavour. The smoke is smooth and very easy. Not really producing much in the way of nicotine, makes this a great tobacco for those new to tobacco or for someone who doesn't want a big nicotine hit. With casings this sweet and rich, the room note is stunning and will please most around the smoker. Blend - Black Cavendish, Virginia & Burley Casings - Coconut & Caramel Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium Origin - Kendal, England Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Broken Scotch Cake Loose Pipe Tobacco

A very mild non-aromatic blend, using predominantly flue cured Virginia, but with the addition of some sun cured both to cool and sweeten the smoke. A rough cut into very coarse pieces also contributes to cooling the smoke. Light-coloured and mellow. Ideal for those new to pipe smoking or to mix with other tobaccos that you are finding too heavy. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia Casings - None Cut - Coarse Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth Burley & Bright Loose Pipe Tobacco

Mostly bright Virginia with a mild vanilla casing along with a bit of nutty Burley which has a soft cocoa note. The result is a blend that does not burn as hot as a straight Virginia and is so lightly flavoured as to still be a non-aromatic; extraordinarily smooth and mild. Blend - Burley & Virginia Casings - Vanilla Cut - Shag Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Very Mild Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth American Black & Brown Loose Pipe Tobacco

Made from Black Cavendish with bright Virginias and mild Burley, cased with basic molasses for a more natural taste. A cool, smooth and mouthwatering smoke, without the Cherry or Vanilla and other exotic flavours. A great blend for beginners, or a change of pace for those who have had enough of the other American aromatics. Blend - Virginia, Burley & Black Cavendish Casings - Molasses Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium Origin - Kendal, England Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth American Delite Loose Pipe Tobacco

An aromatic blend of Virginia, a touch a Burley and black Cavendish topped off with Caramel and Vanilla casing. The tobacco is smooth and cool thanks to the addition of Burley. Combined with the sweet aroma, this makes it ideal for those with a sweet tooth. A mild smoke thanks to the composition and ideal for those new to pipe smoking. Blend - Virginia, Burley & Black Cavendish Casings - Caramel & Vanilla Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste -  Mild Added Flavours - Mild/Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Balkan Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

Akin to the discontinued Balkan Sobranie and comprised of a mixture of flue and sun cured Virginias with a generous helping of Cypriot Latakia. Has the spicy taste thanks to the dark air cured Indian tobacco. One of the most popular Balkan blends produced in the UK. Blend - Virginia & Latakia Casings - None Cut - Mixture Strength - Medium Taste -  Medium to Full Origin - Kendal, England Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth Ennerdale Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

A blend of Virginias from Africa and South America, with a little Burley from Malawi. Most of these tobaccos are chosen for their sweet taste and ability to soak up the complex top dressings. The use of Burley and darker air cured tobaccos keeps the smoke cooler and brings a woody, creamy texture to the smoke. Has been popular for generations and is considered the benchmark for all Lakeland tobaccos. One of the more complex aromas of rum, vanilla, floral extracts, citrus fruit and almond, the result is a highly aromatic tobacco. Origin - Kendal (England) Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - Rum, Vanilla, Floral, Almond, Citrus Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Brown House (Reunion) Loose Pipe Tobacco 25g

A combination of flue cured Virginias mixed with Mozambique dark fired tobaccos which are then spun into a twist format. The resultant finished twist is then cut into small disc ‘coins’ to produce a truly remarkable aromatic roll cake with a hint of maple. Part of the Reunion Series, an exclusive range of tobaccos released in 2019 to celebrate a historic unification of Sam Gawith and Gawith Hoggarth. The two legendary companies go back to 1865, when two brothers, Samuel and John Gawith, shook hands and went their separate ways to pursue their own dreams in Kendal in the Lake District. Both have co-existed in a peaceful, friendly but competitive way ever since. Blend - Virginia & Kentucky Casings - Maple Cut - Curly Cut Strength - Medium Taste -  Medium Added Flavour - Mild to Medium Origin - Kendal, England **DISCONTINUED PRODUCT - AVAILABLE WHILE STOCKS LAST** Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50
Gawith Hoggarth American V (Vanilla) Blend Loose Pipe Tobacco

An American style blend made from rich black Cavendish tobaccos with a strong vanilla background double fermented to give a sweet strong aroma yet making it mild to medium in strength. Those with a keen palate may even detect an undertone of caramel and a subtle hint of whiskey. Medium to slow-burn, nice and sweet. Blend - Black Cavendish & Virginia Casings - Vanilla Cut - Coarse Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth American BC Blend (Black Cherry) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Gawith Hoggarth's American BC Blend (Black Cherry) Loose Pipe Tobacco is a deliciously sweet and aromatic blend that will tantalize your taste buds. Made from a blend of high-quality Virginia and Burley tobaccos, this mixture is flavored with natural black cherry extracts, producing a pleasant aroma that will make your smoking experience all the more enjoyable. The tobacco is carefully cut and cured to produce a consistent and easy-to-pack blend that burns evenly and produces a satisfying smoke. If you are looking for a premium tobacco blend that is both flavorful and affordable, then Gawith Hoggarth's American BC Blend (Black Cherry) Loose Pipe Tobacco is the perfect choice for you. A well balanced blend of Black Cavendish, Burley and Virginia with a classic black cherry flavouring. Blend – Black Cavendish, Burley & Virginia Casings – Cherry Cut – Coarse Cut Strength – Mild to Medium Taste – Mild to Medium Added Flavours – Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Exclusiv PR (Plum & Rum) Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

A rubbed out pressed tobacco. The unique flavour comes from the addition of Jamaican rum & natural plum extract. Blend - Virginia Casings - Plum, Rum Cut - Course Cut Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Exclusiv WM (Wild Mango) Loose Pipe Tobacco

A mixture of bright and Cavendish tobaccos with a distinctive mango fruit flavour. A sweet and heavily aromatic tobacco. Blend - Cavendish, Virginia Casings - Mango Cut - Coarse Cut Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium **DISCONTINUED PRODUCT - AVAILABLE WHILE STOCKS LAST** Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Exclusiv Danish Blend Loose Pipe Tobacco

A classic Danish blend of Virginia & Black Cavendish is finished off with a ripe and rich casing. The tobacco is smooth and mild and thanks to the casing is sweet and juicy to smoke. Leaves a fruity room note and lingering sweet flavour in your mouth. Ideal as a beginner's tobacco, thanks to its light body or as a treat for the pipe smoker with a sweet tooth. COMPOSITION Blend - Virginia & Black Cavendish Casings - Peach Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Medium Additional Flavour - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below.  

  • £11.50£218.50
Exclusiv BC (Black Cherry) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Black Cherry Loose Pipe Tobacco. Mellow flavoured, aromatic Dark Cavendish tobacco, which has been double fermented to bring out the full tobacco flavours. The blend has then been top-dressed with a rich yet discreetly sweet Black Cherry flavouring. Not as sweet as many cherry offerings. Blend - Black Cavendish Casings - Cherry Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Kentucky Black C Cavendish (Black Cherry) Loose Pipe Tobacco

DISCONTINUED - AVAILABLE WHILE STOCKS LAST Kentucky Black C Cavendish Loose Pipe Tobacco is an American style Black Cavendish based blend, topped with ripe Black Cherry flavouring, wonderfully sweet and fragrant. When smoked, the cherry aroma mellows but remains prominent. A rich and satisfying smoke. Produced in Denmark Blend - Black Cavendish, Cavendish Casings - Black Cherry Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.00£209.00
Arcade Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

Arcade Mixture Loose Pipe tobacco is Shave & Coster's much loved own blend, now back by popular demand! Black Cavendish, Virginias and Burley are the main components, with an addition of some Cavendish and a smidgeon of Latakia. A smooth mellow all-day smoke with a pleasant but unobtrusive room note. Named after the Harris Arcade, the home of Shave & Coster for over 30 years. Blend - Black Cavendish, Virginia, Burley, Cavendish and Latakia Casings - Cherry, Caramel, Vanilla Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £12.50£25.00
Gawith Hoggarth Jamaican Flake (Rum) Pipe Tobacco

A 'Christmas cake' tobacco. A very rich, sweet fully flavoured blend. The main feature is the high proportion of naturally sweet sun-cured tobaccos in the blend - over 40%. Only 30% Virginia leaf, with the rest of the blend coming from Burleys and dark-air cured, contributing to a strong but rewarding smoke. The whole blend is cased in maple sugars to further enhance the natural sweetness of the sun cured leaf and then rounded off with a dash of rum. Blend - Burley & Virginia Casings - Maple & Rum Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium to Full Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£46.00
Gawith Hoggarth No.7 Broken Flake Pipe Tobacco

Medium strength blend comprised of mainly flue cured Virginias with the addition of a little dark air cured and a dash of Burley, which keeps the blend cool and smooth to smoke. Without the topping this blend is smooth and packed full of grassy flavours, with a little leather and dirt from the air cured. Not heavily flavoured - the honey dew toppings are enough to add a little extra flavour to the smoke and the use of Vanilla is barely noticeable. Unlike many other Lakelands blends, the toppings die down as you smoke, leaving the natural beauty of the tobacco. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - Vanilla, Alcohol & Floral Cut - Broken Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Glengarry Flake Loose Pipe Tobacco

The lightest of the Lakeland flakes, thanks to its pure gold Virginia blend. The addition of sweet Lakeland toppings are subtle and Glengarry is neither heavy on the floral nor the soapy texture. From the pouch this tobacco has very little in the way of added aromas, you would almost expect this to be a natural (unflavoured) Virginia flake. The toppings add a sweet, subtly floral tone. A great introduction to the world of Lakeland tobaccos, mild, sweet and subtly floral. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia Casings - Honeydew Cut - Flake Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium ***AVAILABLE WHILE STOCKS LAST*** Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Grasmere Flake Loose Pipe Tobacco

A beautiful delicate Lakeland blend of Virginias and Burley. The Burley not only gives some strength (medium) and keeps the smoke cool, it also absorbs the toppings. While not as heavily scented as Ennerdale or Conniston, the use of Rose Geranium makes for a very nice aroma. The use of natural extracts and a little added sugar creates a very clean taste and burn. The strong taste of Rose is very similar to that of Turkish delight. Never gets too soapy thanks to the controlled use of the toppings. To really appreciate its delicate nature, best smoked in a dedicated pipe. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - Rose Geranium Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£46.00
Gawith Hoggarth Westmorland Slices Loose Pipe Tobacco

A blend of Virginias, pressed and aged to give an ebony appearance before cutting into 3 inch strips. A cool satisfying, full flavoured smoke. Origin - Kendal (England) Blend -Straight Virginia Casings - None Cut -Broken Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium to Full Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Dark (Unscented) Flake Loose Pipe Tobacco

A powerful and full flavoured flake tobacco, which has always been popular. Made from equal part of Malawi Dark Fired and Indian Dark Air Cured, this tobacco is cold pressed for over a week. The pressed plug is then sliced into flakes. The resulting black tobacco has a deep and earthy aroma, with rich and pungent smoky smell. It is packed full of nicotine and all the complex flavours you would expect - from the leathery, smoky, cigar like flavours of the fire cured, to the earthy, woody and spice from the dark air cured. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - None Cut - Flake Strength - Strong Taste - Full Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£46.00
Gawith Hoggarth Ennerdale Flake Loose Pipe Tobacco

A blend of Virginias from Africa and South America, with a little Burley from Malawi. Most of these tobaccos are chosen for their sweet taste and ability to soak up the complex top dressings. The use of Burley and darker air cured tobaccos keeps the smoke cooler and brings a woody, creamy texture to the smoke. Has been popular for generations and is considered the benchmark for all Lakeland tobaccos. One of the more complex aromas of rum, vanilla, floral extracts, citrus fruit and almond, the result is a highly aromatic tobacco. Origin - Kendal (England) Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - Rum, Vanilla, Floral, Almond, Citrus Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium to Full Added Flavours - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth Balkan Flake Loose Pipe Tobacco

A tobacco for those who love Latakia in high volumes. The jet black flake is made up from Virginia and Cypriot Latakia, with no other Orientals. The tobaccos are pressed and cooked, resulting in a jet black plug. The cooking process removes the hot and bitey nature of Virginia, while still retaining some of the natural sweetness. The flakes are cut to the usual Gawith Hoggarth size and break down with ease. Thanks to the cool texture of Latakia, this tobacco will still be reasonably cool to smoke if broken down finely. The smoke might not be overly strong on the nicotine, but the flavour more than makes up for that. Blend - Virginia & Latakia Casings - None Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Origin - Kendal, England Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£46.00
Chacom No. 2 Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

Chacom No. 2 Pipe Tobacco is a bright pipe tobacco blend based on various Virginia and broken Virginia known for their refined natural sweetness. the mixture is rounded off with a small proportion of fragrant Burley and delicate Black Cavendish. A delicious but subtle flavour of fruity yellow plum and sweet vanilla is added which refines the blend. Blend - Virginia, Burley &  Black Cavendish Casings - Plum & Vanilla Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium 50g tin

  • £26.50
Gawith Hoggarth Pensioners Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

This blend is made from 'a little bit of everything' , the bits and pieces of tobacco left over throughout the manufacturing process. Flavoured with an aromatic scent. The blend does vary from time to time. One to try, a great mild to medium smoke. Blend - Virginia, Burley, Cavendish Casing - Aromatic Other Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Flavouring - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below.

  • £10.50£21.00
Gawith Hoggarth American Blend CV (Cherry & Vanilla) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Red Burleys with Cavendished Virginias, cased and top dressed. . Exceptionally light, sweet, smooth vanilla flavour combined with a top-note of fresh, ripe cherries. An excellent pipe tobacco for both new and more experienced smokers. The pleasant room aroma will make the smoker popular wherever they choose to smoke their pipe. Blend – Cavendish & Burley Casings – Cherry, Vanilla Cut – Coarse Cut Strength – Mild to Medium Taste – Mild to Medium Added Flavours – Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth Caribean C. (Coconut) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Built on a classic American style base of double fermented Black Cavendish with Gold Leaf Virginia's and a touch of Burley. A sweet caramel source is added along with some very tangy Coconut, the caramel gives this blend a creamy and highly aromatic flavour. The smoke is smooth and very easy. Not really producing much in the way of nicotine, makes this a great tobacco for those new to tobacco or for someone who doesn't want a big nicotine hit. With casings this sweet and rich, the room note is stunning and will please most around the smoker. Blend - Black Cavendish, Virginia & Burley Casings - Coconut & Caramel Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium Origin - Kendal, England Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Broken Scotch Cake Loose Pipe Tobacco

A very mild non-aromatic blend, using predominantly flue cured Virginia, but with the addition of some sun cured both to cool and sweeten the smoke. A rough cut into very coarse pieces also contributes to cooling the smoke. Light-coloured and mellow. Ideal for those new to pipe smoking or to mix with other tobaccos that you are finding too heavy. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia Casings - None Cut - Coarse Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth Burley & Bright Loose Pipe Tobacco

Mostly bright Virginia with a mild vanilla casing along with a bit of nutty Burley which has a soft cocoa note. The result is a blend that does not burn as hot as a straight Virginia and is so lightly flavoured as to still be a non-aromatic; extraordinarily smooth and mild. Blend - Burley & Virginia Casings - Vanilla Cut - Shag Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Very Mild Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth American Black & Brown Loose Pipe Tobacco

Made from Black Cavendish with bright Virginias and mild Burley, cased with basic molasses for a more natural taste. A cool, smooth and mouthwatering smoke, without the Cherry or Vanilla and other exotic flavours. A great blend for beginners, or a change of pace for those who have had enough of the other American aromatics. Blend - Virginia, Burley & Black Cavendish Casings - Molasses Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium Origin - Kendal, England Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth American Delite Loose Pipe Tobacco

An aromatic blend of Virginia, a touch a Burley and black Cavendish topped off with Caramel and Vanilla casing. The tobacco is smooth and cool thanks to the addition of Burley. Combined with the sweet aroma, this makes it ideal for those with a sweet tooth. A mild smoke thanks to the composition and ideal for those new to pipe smoking. Blend - Virginia, Burley & Black Cavendish Casings - Caramel & Vanilla Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste -  Mild Added Flavours - Mild/Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Balkan Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

Akin to the discontinued Balkan Sobranie and comprised of a mixture of flue and sun cured Virginias with a generous helping of Cypriot Latakia. Has the spicy taste thanks to the dark air cured Indian tobacco. One of the most popular Balkan blends produced in the UK. Blend - Virginia & Latakia Casings - None Cut - Mixture Strength - Medium Taste -  Medium to Full Origin - Kendal, England Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth Ennerdale Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

A blend of Virginias from Africa and South America, with a little Burley from Malawi. Most of these tobaccos are chosen for their sweet taste and ability to soak up the complex top dressings. The use of Burley and darker air cured tobaccos keeps the smoke cooler and brings a woody, creamy texture to the smoke. Has been popular for generations and is considered the benchmark for all Lakeland tobaccos. One of the more complex aromas of rum, vanilla, floral extracts, citrus fruit and almond, the result is a highly aromatic tobacco. Origin - Kendal (England) Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - Rum, Vanilla, Floral, Almond, Citrus Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Brown House (Reunion) Loose Pipe Tobacco 25g

A combination of flue cured Virginias mixed with Mozambique dark fired tobaccos which are then spun into a twist format. The resultant finished twist is then cut into small disc ‘coins’ to produce a truly remarkable aromatic roll cake with a hint of maple. Part of the Reunion Series, an exclusive range of tobaccos released in 2019 to celebrate a historic unification of Sam Gawith and Gawith Hoggarth. The two legendary companies go back to 1865, when two brothers, Samuel and John Gawith, shook hands and went their separate ways to pursue their own dreams in Kendal in the Lake District. Both have co-existed in a peaceful, friendly but competitive way ever since. Blend - Virginia & Kentucky Casings - Maple Cut - Curly Cut Strength - Medium Taste -  Medium Added Flavour - Mild to Medium Origin - Kendal, England **DISCONTINUED PRODUCT - AVAILABLE WHILE STOCKS LAST** Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50
Gawith Hoggarth American V (Vanilla) Blend Loose Pipe Tobacco

An American style blend made from rich black Cavendish tobaccos with a strong vanilla background double fermented to give a sweet strong aroma yet making it mild to medium in strength. Those with a keen palate may even detect an undertone of caramel and a subtle hint of whiskey. Medium to slow-burn, nice and sweet. Blend - Black Cavendish & Virginia Casings - Vanilla Cut - Coarse Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth American BC Blend (Black Cherry) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Gawith Hoggarth's American BC Blend (Black Cherry) Loose Pipe Tobacco is a deliciously sweet and aromatic blend that will tantalize your taste buds. Made from a blend of high-quality Virginia and Burley tobaccos, this mixture is flavored with natural black cherry extracts, producing a pleasant aroma that will make your smoking experience all the more enjoyable. The tobacco is carefully cut and cured to produce a consistent and easy-to-pack blend that burns evenly and produces a satisfying smoke. If you are looking for a premium tobacco blend that is both flavorful and affordable, then Gawith Hoggarth's American BC Blend (Black Cherry) Loose Pipe Tobacco is the perfect choice for you. A well balanced blend of Black Cavendish, Burley and Virginia with a classic black cherry flavouring. Blend – Black Cavendish, Burley & Virginia Casings – Cherry Cut – Coarse Cut Strength – Mild to Medium Taste – Mild to Medium Added Flavours – Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Exclusiv PR (Plum & Rum) Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

A rubbed out pressed tobacco. The unique flavour comes from the addition of Jamaican rum & natural plum extract. Blend - Virginia Casings - Plum, Rum Cut - Course Cut Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Exclusiv WM (Wild Mango) Loose Pipe Tobacco

A mixture of bright and Cavendish tobaccos with a distinctive mango fruit flavour. A sweet and heavily aromatic tobacco. Blend - Cavendish, Virginia Casings - Mango Cut - Coarse Cut Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium **DISCONTINUED PRODUCT - AVAILABLE WHILE STOCKS LAST** Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Exclusiv Danish Blend Loose Pipe Tobacco

A classic Danish blend of Virginia & Black Cavendish is finished off with a ripe and rich casing. The tobacco is smooth and mild and thanks to the casing is sweet and juicy to smoke. Leaves a fruity room note and lingering sweet flavour in your mouth. Ideal as a beginner's tobacco, thanks to its light body or as a treat for the pipe smoker with a sweet tooth. COMPOSITION Blend - Virginia & Black Cavendish Casings - Peach Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Medium Additional Flavour - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below.  

  • £11.50£218.50
Exclusiv BC (Black Cherry) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Black Cherry Loose Pipe Tobacco. Mellow flavoured, aromatic Dark Cavendish tobacco, which has been double fermented to bring out the full tobacco flavours. The blend has then been top-dressed with a rich yet discreetly sweet Black Cherry flavouring. Not as sweet as many cherry offerings. Blend - Black Cavendish Casings - Cherry Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Kentucky Black C Cavendish (Black Cherry) Loose Pipe Tobacco

DISCONTINUED - AVAILABLE WHILE STOCKS LAST Kentucky Black C Cavendish Loose Pipe Tobacco is an American style Black Cavendish based blend, topped with ripe Black Cherry flavouring, wonderfully sweet and fragrant. When smoked, the cherry aroma mellows but remains prominent. A rich and satisfying smoke. Produced in Denmark Blend - Black Cavendish, Cavendish Casings - Black Cherry Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.00£209.00
Arcade Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

Arcade Mixture Loose Pipe tobacco is Shave & Coster's much loved own blend, now back by popular demand! Black Cavendish, Virginias and Burley are the main components, with an addition of some Cavendish and a smidgeon of Latakia. A smooth mellow all-day smoke with a pleasant but unobtrusive room note. Named after the Harris Arcade, the home of Shave & Coster for over 30 years. Blend - Black Cavendish, Virginia, Burley, Cavendish and Latakia Casings - Cherry, Caramel, Vanilla Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £12.50£25.00
Gawith Hoggarth Jamaican Flake (Rum) Pipe Tobacco

A 'Christmas cake' tobacco. A very rich, sweet fully flavoured blend. The main feature is the high proportion of naturally sweet sun-cured tobaccos in the blend - over 40%. Only 30% Virginia leaf, with the rest of the blend coming from Burleys and dark-air cured, contributing to a strong but rewarding smoke. The whole blend is cased in maple sugars to further enhance the natural sweetness of the sun cured leaf and then rounded off with a dash of rum. Blend - Burley & Virginia Casings - Maple & Rum Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium to Full Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£46.00
Gawith Hoggarth No.7 Broken Flake Pipe Tobacco

Medium strength blend comprised of mainly flue cured Virginias with the addition of a little dark air cured and a dash of Burley, which keeps the blend cool and smooth to smoke. Without the topping this blend is smooth and packed full of grassy flavours, with a little leather and dirt from the air cured. Not heavily flavoured - the honey dew toppings are enough to add a little extra flavour to the smoke and the use of Vanilla is barely noticeable. Unlike many other Lakelands blends, the toppings die down as you smoke, leaving the natural beauty of the tobacco. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - Vanilla, Alcohol & Floral Cut - Broken Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Glengarry Flake Loose Pipe Tobacco

The lightest of the Lakeland flakes, thanks to its pure gold Virginia blend. The addition of sweet Lakeland toppings are subtle and Glengarry is neither heavy on the floral nor the soapy texture. From the pouch this tobacco has very little in the way of added aromas, you would almost expect this to be a natural (unflavoured) Virginia flake. The toppings add a sweet, subtly floral tone. A great introduction to the world of Lakeland tobaccos, mild, sweet and subtly floral. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia Casings - Honeydew Cut - Flake Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium ***AVAILABLE WHILE STOCKS LAST*** Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Grasmere Flake Loose Pipe Tobacco

A beautiful delicate Lakeland blend of Virginias and Burley. The Burley not only gives some strength (medium) and keeps the smoke cool, it also absorbs the toppings. While not as heavily scented as Ennerdale or Conniston, the use of Rose Geranium makes for a very nice aroma. The use of natural extracts and a little added sugar creates a very clean taste and burn. The strong taste of Rose is very similar to that of Turkish delight. Never gets too soapy thanks to the controlled use of the toppings. To really appreciate its delicate nature, best smoked in a dedicated pipe. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - Rose Geranium Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£46.00
Gawith Hoggarth Westmorland Slices Loose Pipe Tobacco

A blend of Virginias, pressed and aged to give an ebony appearance before cutting into 3 inch strips. A cool satisfying, full flavoured smoke. Origin - Kendal (England) Blend -Straight Virginia Casings - None Cut -Broken Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium to Full Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Dark (Unscented) Flake Loose Pipe Tobacco

A powerful and full flavoured flake tobacco, which has always been popular. Made from equal part of Malawi Dark Fired and Indian Dark Air Cured, this tobacco is cold pressed for over a week. The pressed plug is then sliced into flakes. The resulting black tobacco has a deep and earthy aroma, with rich and pungent smoky smell. It is packed full of nicotine and all the complex flavours you would expect - from the leathery, smoky, cigar like flavours of the fire cured, to the earthy, woody and spice from the dark air cured. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - None Cut - Flake Strength - Strong Taste - Full Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£46.00
Gawith Hoggarth Ennerdale Flake Loose Pipe Tobacco

A blend of Virginias from Africa and South America, with a little Burley from Malawi. Most of these tobaccos are chosen for their sweet taste and ability to soak up the complex top dressings. The use of Burley and darker air cured tobaccos keeps the smoke cooler and brings a woody, creamy texture to the smoke. Has been popular for generations and is considered the benchmark for all Lakeland tobaccos. One of the more complex aromas of rum, vanilla, floral extracts, citrus fruit and almond, the result is a highly aromatic tobacco. Origin - Kendal (England) Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - Rum, Vanilla, Floral, Almond, Citrus Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium to Full Added Flavours - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth Balkan Flake Loose Pipe Tobacco

A tobacco for those who love Latakia in high volumes. The jet black flake is made up from Virginia and Cypriot Latakia, with no other Orientals. The tobaccos are pressed and cooked, resulting in a jet black plug. The cooking process removes the hot and bitey nature of Virginia, while still retaining some of the natural sweetness. The flakes are cut to the usual Gawith Hoggarth size and break down with ease. Thanks to the cool texture of Latakia, this tobacco will still be reasonably cool to smoke if broken down finely. The smoke might not be overly strong on the nicotine, but the flavour more than makes up for that. Blend - Virginia & Latakia Casings - None Cut - Flake Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Origin - Kendal, England Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£46.00
Chacom No. 2 Pipe Tobacco 50g Tin

Chacom No. 2 Pipe Tobacco is a bright pipe tobacco blend based on various Virginia and broken Virginia known for their refined natural sweetness. the mixture is rounded off with a small proportion of fragrant Burley and delicate Black Cavendish. A delicious but subtle flavour of fruity yellow plum and sweet vanilla is added which refines the blend. Blend - Virginia, Burley &  Black Cavendish Casings - Plum & Vanilla Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium 50g tin

  • £26.50