Buy Loose Pipe Tobacco

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Century Black C (Black Cherry B23) Loose Pipe Tobacco

A typical American aromatic, moist, sweet, with a pleasing aroma. Built from a base of toasted Black Cavendish and Virginia tobaccos. The blend is then topped with a full flavour of black cherries making it a smooth and sweet smoke. An authentic American blend imported from the USA. Blend - Black Cavendish, Burley, Cavendish & Virginia Casings - Cherry Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below

  • £12.50£237.50
Century Black Cavendish B20 Loose Pipe Tobacco

Pure Black Cavendish which has been fire cured and steam sweated for mildness and sweet smoking. A touch of earthy character to the flavour. An authentic American blend imported from the USA. Blend - Black Cavendish Casing - Vanilla Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Mild Taste - Mild Added Flavours - Very Mild Please choose the amount below

  • £12.50£237.50
Century Black Cord (Black Cordial Z50) Loose Pipe Tobacco

A blend of four unusual black fire-cured grades enhanced with sweet Virginia and a top dressing of cordial. An authentic American blend imported from the USA. Blend - Black Cavendish & Virginia Casings - Cordial Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below

  • £12.50£25.00
Century R&M Blend (Rum & Maple) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Century R&M Blend Loose Pipe Tobacco The ideal mixture of Golden Virginia and Mellow White Burley is combined with warm, sweet maple and the subtle tones of rum. A great smoke for any time of the day or night. An authentic American pipe tobacco blend imported from the USA. Blend - Burley, Virginia Casings - Maple, Rum Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Added Flavours - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below

  • £12.50£25.00
Century VC Blend (Vanilla Custard Creme Z92) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Vanilla Custard Creme Z92 Loose Pipe Tobacco is a combo of Burley, Virginia and Black Cavendish. A very prominent buttered-vanilla pouch aroma. An authentic American blend imported from the USA. Blend - Burley, Virginia & Black Cavendish Casings - Cream, Vanilla Cut - Coarse Cut Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Strong Please choose the amount below

  • £12.50£25.00
Century Black Rasp (Raspberry) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Century Black Rasp (Raspberry) Loose Pipe Tobacco is An amazing combination of an ultra-smooth smoking tobacco (steam cured Green River Black Cavendish) with one of the richest of all fruit flavours - black raspberry, with an added note of mango for a lively flavour and an outstanding room note. An authentic American blend imported from the USA. Blend - Black Cavendish Casing - Raspberry, Mango Cut - Coarse Cut Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild Please choose the amount below

  • £12.50£25.00
Century Stoved Virginia 507-S Loose Pipe Tobacco

Century Stoved Virginia 507-S Loose Pipe Tobacco. Bright Virginia is caramelised by heating, which turns it dark and brings out the natural sugar. Concentrated sweetness makes this good as an everyday smoke and also ideal for personal blending. An authentic American blend imported from the USA. Blend - Virginia Casing - None Cut - Coarse Cut Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Please choose the amount below

  • £12.50£25.00
Gawith Hoggarth American SP (Sweet Peach) Loose Pipe Tobacco

A popular slow burning American Blend, a blend of red Burleys with cavendished Virginia. A mild aromatic tobacco with strong flavours of Peach. Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - Peach Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth American Ultimum Loose Pipe Tobacco

This tobacco smells good enough to eat, and as soon as you open the pouch you are greeted with the sweet aroma of Cherries and Caramel. Unlike many aromatics, the pouch aroma carries through into the smoke and room note. Like all the American Blends Gawith Hoggarth produce, Ultimum is based on a Black Cavendish blend with highlights of mature Virginias and mild Burley. Smooth and easy to smoke, ideal for those new to pipe smoking, with its lack of tongue bite. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Black Cavendish, Virginia & Burley Casings - Cherry & Caramel Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Rich Dark Spring Dew (Honey Dew) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Made from the classic blend of Virginias (Flue and Dark Cured) and a dash of Burley, practically shag cut in its cut. The resulting tobacco is treated with steam and given a light, honeydew topping. The finer cut makes for a freer burning tobacco, which is ideal in the damp English conditions. The toppings just add a little sweetness and play beautifully with the stronger Virginia flakes. Has a bit of power to it. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - Alcohol & Floral Cut - Broken Flake Strength - Medium to Strong Taste - Medium to Full Added Flavours - Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Latakia Loose Pipe Tobacco

A pure tobacco for blending, which has a very rich tarry aroma resulting from a long curing process over smoky fires. This will add a nice bite to many other blends. Not for the novice! Often mixed with Virginia and other Oriental tobaccos, for what is considered an “English Mixture”. Latakia also works surprisingly well with Aromatic flavours, the cool nature ensures a smooth smoke. Even though it may have a powerful and rich flavour, Latakia is low in nicotine. Origin - Cyprus Blend - Latakia Casings - None Cut - Course Cut Strength - Medium Taste - Full Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Ennerdale Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

A blend of Virginias from Africa and South America, with a little Burley from Malawi. Most of these tobaccos are chosen for their sweet taste and ability to soak up the complex top dressings. The use of Burley and darker air cured tobaccos keeps the smoke cooler and brings a woody, creamy texture to the smoke. Has been popular for generations and is considered the benchmark for all Lakeland tobaccos. One of the more complex aromas of rum, vanilla, floral extracts, citrus fruit and almond, the result is a highly aromatic tobacco. Origin - Kendal (England) Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - Rum, Vanilla, Floral, Almond, Citrus Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Gawith Red Loose Pipe Tobacco

This air cured mixture consists of Burley, Kentucky, Oriental and Virginia, all first grade tobaccos, pure fruit blossom added. The enhanced smoking pleasure is due to the unique Cavendish process, which reveals the richest properties of this special blend: fresh, sweet, and slow burning. A perfect replacement for the discontinued Red Amphora. Blend - Burley, Kentucky, Oriental, Virginia Casings - Alcohol Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium ***AVAILABLE WHILE STOCKS LAST*** Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Exmoor Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

A medium strength blend of Burley, Virginia and a little splash of Latakia. Untopped and ribbon cut, this packs well out the bag. Naturally sweet with a little smokey twist from the Latakia. A substitute for long discontinued Exmoor Hunt Mixture of W.O. Bigg's. Very popular with smokers who like a traditional easy smoke. Blend - Burley, Virginia & Latakia Casing - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth American Blend C&C (Coffee Caramel) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Red Burleys combined with Cavendished Virginias with casing and top dressing with the main flavour. A great slow burning aromatic tobacco. Blend - Virginia, Burley & Black Cavendish Casings - Coffee & Caramel Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild/Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Curly Cut Deluxe Loose Pipe Tobacco

Comprised of more dark air cured over the lighter and sweetened air cured (gold) leaf. Unlike most other Roll Cakes, the this one is made by hand rolling the leaves (much like the twists) before being pressed and sliced. The dark flavours for the air cured brings a more nutty flavour to the smoke, combined with the bright, grassy flavours to the mixture. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia Casings - None Cut - Spun Cut Strength - Medium Taste - Medium to Full Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Pensioners Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

This blend is made from 'a little bit of everything' , the bits and pieces of tobacco left over throughout the manufacturing process. Flavoured with an aromatic scent. The blend does vary from time to time. One to try, a great mild to medium smoke. Blend - Virginia, Burley, Cavendish Casing - Aromatic Other Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Flavouring - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below.

  • £10.50£21.00
Gawith Hoggarth American Blend CV (Cherry & Vanilla) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Red Burleys with Cavendished Virginias, cased and top dressed. . Exceptionally light, sweet, smooth vanilla flavour combined with a top-note of fresh, ripe cherries. An excellent pipe tobacco for both new and more experienced smokers. The pleasant room aroma will make the smoker popular wherever they choose to smoke their pipe. Blend – Cavendish & Burley Casings – Cherry, Vanilla Cut – Coarse Cut Strength – Mild to Medium Taste – Mild to Medium Added Flavours – Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth Caribean C. (Coconut) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Built on a classic American style base of double fermented Black Cavendish with Gold Leaf Virginia's and a touch of Burley. A sweet caramel source is added along with some very tangy Coconut, the caramel gives this blend a creamy and highly aromatic flavour. The smoke is smooth and very easy. Not really producing much in the way of nicotine, makes this a great tobacco for those new to tobacco or for someone who doesn't want a big nicotine hit. With casings this sweet and rich, the room note is stunning and will please most around the smoker. Blend - Black Cavendish, Virginia & Burley Casings - Coconut & Caramel Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium Origin - Kendal, England Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Broken Scotch Cake Loose Pipe Tobacco

A very mild non-aromatic blend, using predominantly flue cured Virginia, but with the addition of some sun cured both to cool and sweeten the smoke. A rough cut into very coarse pieces also contributes to cooling the smoke. Light-coloured and mellow. Ideal for those new to pipe smoking or to mix with other tobaccos that you are finding too heavy. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia Casings - None Cut - Coarse Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth Burley & Bright Loose Pipe Tobacco

Mostly bright Virginia with a mild vanilla casing along with a bit of nutty Burley which has a soft cocoa note. The result is a blend that does not burn as hot as a straight Virginia and is so lightly flavoured as to still be a non-aromatic; extraordinarily smooth and mild. Blend - Burley & Virginia Casings - Vanilla Cut - Shag Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Very Mild Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth American Black & Brown Loose Pipe Tobacco

Made from Black Cavendish with bright Virginias and mild Burley, cased with basic molasses for a more natural taste. A cool, smooth and mouthwatering smoke, without the Cherry or Vanilla and other exotic flavours. A great blend for beginners, or a change of pace for those who have had enough of the other American aromatics. Blend - Virginia, Burley & Black Cavendish Casings - Molasses Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium Origin - Kendal, England Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth American Delite Loose Pipe Tobacco

An aromatic blend of Virginia, a touch a Burley and black Cavendish topped off with Caramel and Vanilla casing. The tobacco is smooth and cool thanks to the addition of Burley. Combined with the sweet aroma, this makes it ideal for those with a sweet tooth. A mild smoke thanks to the composition and ideal for those new to pipe smoking. Blend - Virginia, Burley & Black Cavendish Casings - Caramel & Vanilla Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste -  Mild Added Flavours - Mild/Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Balkan Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

Akin to the discontinued Balkan Sobranie and comprised of a mixture of flue and sun cured Virginias with a generous helping of Cypriot Latakia. Has the spicy taste thanks to the dark air cured Indian tobacco. One of the most popular Balkan blends produced in the UK. Blend - Virginia & Latakia Casings - None Cut - Mixture Strength - Medium Taste -  Medium to Full Origin - Kendal, England Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Mac Baren Cube Loose Pipe Tobacco 25g

A mild, sweet and fruity smoke, blended by Henrik Halberg, master blender and 4th generation owner of Mac Baren Tobacco. Made from a complex blend of Virginias, Burley, Kentucky and various Cavendishes, the tobacco is smooth and very mellow. Cased with a very rich and sweet, Vanilla based source, it smells good enough to eat from the bag and smells/tastes even better when it is burning. Cool and smooth thanks to the mixture of cuts, from fine ribbon to broken flake. One of the finest aromatics on the market, this is an aromatic connoisseur's dream tobacco. Origin - Denmark Blend - Virginia, Burley, Kentucky & Cavendish Casings - Fruits & Vanilla Cut - Ribbon & Broken Flake Strength - Mild Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below

  • £13.60£26.80
Germain's Brown Flake Pipe Tobacco 500g bag

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Germain's Brown Flake Pipe Tobacco is a molasses coloured Virginia leaf pressed into broad flakes that are resinous and delectable. The naturally bright lemon Virginia is first air cured to draw out the simpler, nuttier flavor, then pressed to ferment in its own vital juices. Blend - Virginia, Burley Casings - None Cut - Flake Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Origin: Jersey Price quoted for 500g

  • £285.00
Germain's Medium Flake Pipe Tobacco 500g bag

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Germain's Medium Flake Pipe Tobacco a high-quality tobacco product known for its medium strength and rich flavour. The tobacco is carefully selected and aged before being pressed into flake form, allowing for a slow burn and a smooth smoke. Red, brown and gold Virginia tobaccos skilfully blended and pressed to give a medium colour and a medium rate of burn, with fruit extracts. Rubs out with ease. Blend -Virginia Casings – Fruit/citrus Cut – Flake Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Origin: Jersey Price quoted for 500g

  • £285.00
Century Black C (Black Cherry B23) Loose Pipe Tobacco

A typical American aromatic, moist, sweet, with a pleasing aroma. Built from a base of toasted Black Cavendish and Virginia tobaccos. The blend is then topped with a full flavour of black cherries making it a smooth and sweet smoke. An authentic American blend imported from the USA. Blend - Black Cavendish, Burley, Cavendish & Virginia Casings - Cherry Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below

  • £12.50£237.50
Century Black Cavendish B20 Loose Pipe Tobacco

Pure Black Cavendish which has been fire cured and steam sweated for mildness and sweet smoking. A touch of earthy character to the flavour. An authentic American blend imported from the USA. Blend - Black Cavendish Casing - Vanilla Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Mild Taste - Mild Added Flavours - Very Mild Please choose the amount below

  • £12.50£237.50
Century Black Cord (Black Cordial Z50) Loose Pipe Tobacco

A blend of four unusual black fire-cured grades enhanced with sweet Virginia and a top dressing of cordial. An authentic American blend imported from the USA. Blend - Black Cavendish & Virginia Casings - Cordial Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below

  • £12.50£25.00
Century R&M Blend (Rum & Maple) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Century R&M Blend Loose Pipe Tobacco The ideal mixture of Golden Virginia and Mellow White Burley is combined with warm, sweet maple and the subtle tones of rum. A great smoke for any time of the day or night. An authentic American pipe tobacco blend imported from the USA. Blend - Burley, Virginia Casings - Maple, Rum Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Added Flavours - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below

  • £12.50£25.00
Century VC Blend (Vanilla Custard Creme Z92) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Vanilla Custard Creme Z92 Loose Pipe Tobacco is a combo of Burley, Virginia and Black Cavendish. A very prominent buttered-vanilla pouch aroma. An authentic American blend imported from the USA. Blend - Burley, Virginia & Black Cavendish Casings - Cream, Vanilla Cut - Coarse Cut Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Strong Please choose the amount below

  • £12.50£25.00
Century Black Rasp (Raspberry) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Century Black Rasp (Raspberry) Loose Pipe Tobacco is An amazing combination of an ultra-smooth smoking tobacco (steam cured Green River Black Cavendish) with one of the richest of all fruit flavours - black raspberry, with an added note of mango for a lively flavour and an outstanding room note. An authentic American blend imported from the USA. Blend - Black Cavendish Casing - Raspberry, Mango Cut - Coarse Cut Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Mild Please choose the amount below

  • £12.50£25.00
Century Stoved Virginia 507-S Loose Pipe Tobacco

Century Stoved Virginia 507-S Loose Pipe Tobacco. Bright Virginia is caramelised by heating, which turns it dark and brings out the natural sugar. Concentrated sweetness makes this good as an everyday smoke and also ideal for personal blending. An authentic American blend imported from the USA. Blend - Virginia Casing - None Cut - Coarse Cut Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Please choose the amount below

  • £12.50£25.00
Gawith Hoggarth American SP (Sweet Peach) Loose Pipe Tobacco

A popular slow burning American Blend, a blend of red Burleys with cavendished Virginia. A mild aromatic tobacco with strong flavours of Peach. Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - Peach Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth American Ultimum Loose Pipe Tobacco

This tobacco smells good enough to eat, and as soon as you open the pouch you are greeted with the sweet aroma of Cherries and Caramel. Unlike many aromatics, the pouch aroma carries through into the smoke and room note. Like all the American Blends Gawith Hoggarth produce, Ultimum is based on a Black Cavendish blend with highlights of mature Virginias and mild Burley. Smooth and easy to smoke, ideal for those new to pipe smoking, with its lack of tongue bite. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Black Cavendish, Virginia & Burley Casings - Cherry & Caramel Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Rich Dark Spring Dew (Honey Dew) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Made from the classic blend of Virginias (Flue and Dark Cured) and a dash of Burley, practically shag cut in its cut. The resulting tobacco is treated with steam and given a light, honeydew topping. The finer cut makes for a freer burning tobacco, which is ideal in the damp English conditions. The toppings just add a little sweetness and play beautifully with the stronger Virginia flakes. Has a bit of power to it. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - Alcohol & Floral Cut - Broken Flake Strength - Medium to Strong Taste - Medium to Full Added Flavours - Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Latakia Loose Pipe Tobacco

A pure tobacco for blending, which has a very rich tarry aroma resulting from a long curing process over smoky fires. This will add a nice bite to many other blends. Not for the novice! Often mixed with Virginia and other Oriental tobaccos, for what is considered an “English Mixture”. Latakia also works surprisingly well with Aromatic flavours, the cool nature ensures a smooth smoke. Even though it may have a powerful and rich flavour, Latakia is low in nicotine. Origin - Cyprus Blend - Latakia Casings - None Cut - Course Cut Strength - Medium Taste - Full Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Ennerdale Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

A blend of Virginias from Africa and South America, with a little Burley from Malawi. Most of these tobaccos are chosen for their sweet taste and ability to soak up the complex top dressings. The use of Burley and darker air cured tobaccos keeps the smoke cooler and brings a woody, creamy texture to the smoke. Has been popular for generations and is considered the benchmark for all Lakeland tobaccos. One of the more complex aromas of rum, vanilla, floral extracts, citrus fruit and almond, the result is a highly aromatic tobacco. Origin - Kendal (England) Blend - Virginia & Burley Casings - Rum, Vanilla, Floral, Almond, Citrus Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Gawith Red Loose Pipe Tobacco

This air cured mixture consists of Burley, Kentucky, Oriental and Virginia, all first grade tobaccos, pure fruit blossom added. The enhanced smoking pleasure is due to the unique Cavendish process, which reveals the richest properties of this special blend: fresh, sweet, and slow burning. A perfect replacement for the discontinued Red Amphora. Blend - Burley, Kentucky, Oriental, Virginia Casings - Alcohol Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium ***AVAILABLE WHILE STOCKS LAST*** Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Exmoor Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

A medium strength blend of Burley, Virginia and a little splash of Latakia. Untopped and ribbon cut, this packs well out the bag. Naturally sweet with a little smokey twist from the Latakia. A substitute for long discontinued Exmoor Hunt Mixture of W.O. Bigg's. Very popular with smokers who like a traditional easy smoke. Blend - Burley, Virginia & Latakia Casing - None Cut - Ribbon Strength - Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth American Blend C&C (Coffee Caramel) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Red Burleys combined with Cavendished Virginias with casing and top dressing with the main flavour. A great slow burning aromatic tobacco. Blend - Virginia, Burley & Black Cavendish Casings - Coffee & Caramel Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild/Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Curly Cut Deluxe Loose Pipe Tobacco

Comprised of more dark air cured over the lighter and sweetened air cured (gold) leaf. Unlike most other Roll Cakes, the this one is made by hand rolling the leaves (much like the twists) before being pressed and sliced. The dark flavours for the air cured brings a more nutty flavour to the smoke, combined with the bright, grassy flavours to the mixture. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia Casings - None Cut - Spun Cut Strength - Medium Taste - Medium to Full Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Pensioners Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

This blend is made from 'a little bit of everything' , the bits and pieces of tobacco left over throughout the manufacturing process. Flavoured with an aromatic scent. The blend does vary from time to time. One to try, a great mild to medium smoke. Blend - Virginia, Burley, Cavendish Casing - Aromatic Other Cut - Ready Rubbed Strength - Medium Taste - Medium Flavouring - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below.

  • £10.50£21.00
Gawith Hoggarth American Blend CV (Cherry & Vanilla) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Red Burleys with Cavendished Virginias, cased and top dressed. . Exceptionally light, sweet, smooth vanilla flavour combined with a top-note of fresh, ripe cherries. An excellent pipe tobacco for both new and more experienced smokers. The pleasant room aroma will make the smoker popular wherever they choose to smoke their pipe. Blend – Cavendish & Burley Casings – Cherry, Vanilla Cut – Coarse Cut Strength – Mild to Medium Taste – Mild to Medium Added Flavours – Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth Caribean C. (Coconut) Loose Pipe Tobacco

Built on a classic American style base of double fermented Black Cavendish with Gold Leaf Virginia's and a touch of Burley. A sweet caramel source is added along with some very tangy Coconut, the caramel gives this blend a creamy and highly aromatic flavour. The smoke is smooth and very easy. Not really producing much in the way of nicotine, makes this a great tobacco for those new to tobacco or for someone who doesn't want a big nicotine hit. With casings this sweet and rich, the room note is stunning and will please most around the smoker. Blend - Black Cavendish, Virginia & Burley Casings - Coconut & Caramel Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Medium Origin - Kendal, England Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Broken Scotch Cake Loose Pipe Tobacco

A very mild non-aromatic blend, using predominantly flue cured Virginia, but with the addition of some sun cured both to cool and sweeten the smoke. A rough cut into very coarse pieces also contributes to cooling the smoke. Light-coloured and mellow. Ideal for those new to pipe smoking or to mix with other tobaccos that you are finding too heavy. Origin - Kendal, England Blend - Virginia Casings - None Cut - Coarse Strength - Mild Taste - Mild to Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Gawith Hoggarth Burley & Bright Loose Pipe Tobacco

Mostly bright Virginia with a mild vanilla casing along with a bit of nutty Burley which has a soft cocoa note. The result is a blend that does not burn as hot as a straight Virginia and is so lightly flavoured as to still be a non-aromatic; extraordinarily smooth and mild. Blend - Burley & Virginia Casings - Vanilla Cut - Shag Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Mild to Medium Added Flavours - Very Mild Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth American Black & Brown Loose Pipe Tobacco

Made from Black Cavendish with bright Virginias and mild Burley, cased with basic molasses for a more natural taste. A cool, smooth and mouthwatering smoke, without the Cherry or Vanilla and other exotic flavours. A great blend for beginners, or a change of pace for those who have had enough of the other American aromatics. Blend - Virginia, Burley & Black Cavendish Casings - Molasses Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Mild to Medium Origin - Kendal, England Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth American Delite Loose Pipe Tobacco

An aromatic blend of Virginia, a touch a Burley and black Cavendish topped off with Caramel and Vanilla casing. The tobacco is smooth and cool thanks to the addition of Burley. Combined with the sweet aroma, this makes it ideal for those with a sweet tooth. A mild smoke thanks to the composition and ideal for those new to pipe smoking. Blend - Virginia, Burley & Black Cavendish Casings - Caramel & Vanilla Cut - Ribbon Strength - Mild Taste -  Mild Added Flavours - Mild/Medium Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£23.00
Gawith Hoggarth Balkan Mixture Loose Pipe Tobacco

Akin to the discontinued Balkan Sobranie and comprised of a mixture of flue and sun cured Virginias with a generous helping of Cypriot Latakia. Has the spicy taste thanks to the dark air cured Indian tobacco. One of the most popular Balkan blends produced in the UK. Blend - Virginia & Latakia Casings - None Cut - Mixture Strength - Medium Taste -  Medium to Full Origin - Kendal, England Please choose the amount below.

  • £11.50£218.50
Mac Baren Cube Loose Pipe Tobacco 25g

A mild, sweet and fruity smoke, blended by Henrik Halberg, master blender and 4th generation owner of Mac Baren Tobacco. Made from a complex blend of Virginias, Burley, Kentucky and various Cavendishes, the tobacco is smooth and very mellow. Cased with a very rich and sweet, Vanilla based source, it smells good enough to eat from the bag and smells/tastes even better when it is burning. Cool and smooth thanks to the mixture of cuts, from fine ribbon to broken flake. One of the finest aromatics on the market, this is an aromatic connoisseur's dream tobacco. Origin - Denmark Blend - Virginia, Burley, Kentucky & Cavendish Casings - Fruits & Vanilla Cut - Ribbon & Broken Flake Strength - Mild Taste - Medium Added Flavours - Medium to Strong Please choose the amount below

  • £13.60£26.80
Germain's Brown Flake Pipe Tobacco 500g bag

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Germain's Brown Flake Pipe Tobacco is a molasses coloured Virginia leaf pressed into broad flakes that are resinous and delectable. The naturally bright lemon Virginia is first air cured to draw out the simpler, nuttier flavor, then pressed to ferment in its own vital juices. Blend - Virginia, Burley Casings - None Cut - Flake Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Origin: Jersey Price quoted for 500g

  • £285.00
Germain's Medium Flake Pipe Tobacco 500g bag

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot ship this product outside the UK! Germain's Medium Flake Pipe Tobacco a high-quality tobacco product known for its medium strength and rich flavour. The tobacco is carefully selected and aged before being pressed into flake form, allowing for a slow burn and a smooth smoke. Red, brown and gold Virginia tobaccos skilfully blended and pressed to give a medium colour and a medium rate of burn, with fruit extracts. Rubs out with ease. Blend -Virginia Casings – Fruit/citrus Cut – Flake Strength - Mild to Medium Taste - Medium Origin: Jersey Price quoted for 500g

  • £285.00