Cohiba Siglo II Cigar Single
The petit corona utilises tobacco grown in Cuba’s first class plantations and goes through the fermentation process three times over the course of two years before the tobacco leaves are crafted into cigars by Cuba’s master rollers, some of whom have been making cigars since before the Cuban revolution. The cigar is similar to the other Siglos in that it has a sweet creaminess to it along with bean flavours, however the smoke also provides an silky, oily woodiness which is uncommon for Cohiba Cigars.
Product Details:
- Size : Petit Corona (5 1/8” x 42)
- Strength : Medium
- Wrapper : Corojo
- Origin : Cuba
Cohiba is top of the line of Cuban cigars and is therefore considered one of the greatest cigar brands in the world. Renowned for producing some of the finest quality cigars available, Cohiba uses only the best tobacco and unique maturation techniques to create their famous cigars. A Cohiba cigar will offer a complex smoke that is medium to full in body.
Cohiba as a brand is fairly unique, in that it began as a national company of Cuba, as opposed to being nationalised from private ownership. In fact, the company was originally the private brand exclusively supplying Fidel Castro with cigars. Cohiba cigars were first released for public sale in 1982, and have since become one of the biggest brands in the cigar world.
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