Davidoff Signature 2000 Tubos Cigar Pack of 4
One of our bestselling cigars, the Davidoff Signature 2000 reveals clean, balanced flavours of wood, earth, with fresh floral scents and a creamy aftertaste. This timeless corona format, with a slightly wider gauge, affords the aficionado a bolder experience featuring a higher percentage of piloto tobacco. Davidoff Signature cigars with their notes of coffee are exceptionally paired with an aromatic milk coffee as well as an elegant champagne, or a lightly peated whisky. The elegant milky white box itself is an ideal cigar gift set too, if you are searching for the best cigar gift set to be presented on any occasion, for anyone who likes new world cigars, then this is the right selection.
Length: 5″
Ring Gauge: 43
Strength: Mild
Alexandre .W –
Davidoff Signature 2000 reveals a neat, balanced blend of flavours packed with spicy wood and earth flavours by it’s lovely Ecuador Connecticut brown wrapper and a creamy aftertaste from it’s milky white smoke that lingers longer. I enjoyed the timeless corona format for 25 minutes approx. It is quite the boldest and most multifaceted cigar from its series. A pure pleasure smoke.